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The agency is the only multilingual news platform in Taiwan, issuing over 1,000 news stories a day in Chinese, English, and Japanese. The platform allows the ...

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Taiwan shares close up 0.37%. Taiwan shares ended up 73.63 points, or 0.37 percent, at 20,200.12.Wednesday on turnover of NT$385.63 billion ...

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Latest · Two die, 4 critically ill in suspected Taipei food poisoning outbreak · SVG official praises Taipei workshop on transnational fraud ...

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The Central News Agency (CNA) is the national news agency of the Republic of China (ROC) and the most influential news organization in Taiwan.

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TRADE DEALS / Taiwan calls on CPTPP to devise detailed accession guidelines. A Taiwanese diplomat on Tuesday called on existing members of a regional trade ...

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TheagencyistheonlymultilingualnewsplatforminTaiwan,issuingover1,000newsstoriesadayinChinese,English,andJapanese.Theplatformallowsthe ...,Taiwansharescloseup0.37%.Taiwansharesendedup73.63points,or0.37percent,at20,200.12.WednesdayonturnoverofNT$385.63billion ...,FocusTaiwan。166256個讚·4010人正在談論這個。DailynewsfromandaboutTaiwan,localnewspaperheadlines,&photosoftheday.Shareourstories!,Fo...